Check bandwidth

Check bandwidth

Check Bandwidth

 Before starting the service, it is necessary to check the bandwidth to ensure that the network speed does not affect the service between PostSD and AWS, between PreSD and the Camera, and between PreSD / PostSD and the VPD’s.

Bandwidth Check List

  •   PostSD to AWS

  •   PreSD to the Cameras

  •   PreSD /PostSD to the VPD’s


PostSd to AWS

When using the 4DLive system, check the bandwidth from the 4DRS between the AWS and PostSD are performed in advance through a specific program in order to smoothly transmit and receive video data.

Steps to install iperf or iperf3 on the 4DRS

  • Install iperf or iperf3 on 4DRS systems on the AWS

  • Move and copy C:\Users\4Dreplay\Downloads\iperf 3.1.3-win64\iperf-3.1.3-win64

[Steps to move file location in Command Prompt(cmd.exe)]

  • Run Command Prompt and copy 'cd'

  • Enter

[Steps to perform bandwidth check]

  1. Step 2 In the path (for version 2,) enter 'iperf -s' (for version 3,) 'iperf3 -s'

  2. Enter

  3. Install iperf or iperf3 the same on your PostSD system

  4. Step1 Copy the same file location as

    1. (For version 2) Type 'iperf –c'

    2. (For version 3) Type 'iperf3 -c'

  5. If you enter it, you can check the bandwidth as shown on the left.

  • ※ The usage method of iperf (version 2) and iperf3 (version 3) is different

  • ※ iperf(version2) can check the speed without server mode


PreSd to Camera

When using the 4DREPLAY system, bandwidth checks are performed in advance to ensure smooth video data.

[Steps to install iperf on PreSD]

  1. Install iperf on PreSD PC

  2. Move and copy C:\Users\4Dreplay\Downloads\iperf 3.1.3-win64\iperf-3.1.3-win64

    1. iperf download path

[Steps to move file location in Command Prompt(cmd.exe)]

  • Run Command Prompt and copy 'cd'

  • Enter

[Steps to perform bandwidth check]

  1. Step 2 Enter 'iperf -c camera_IP address -p 50000' in the path and enter

  2. If you press Enter, you can check the bandwidth as shown in the picture on the left.

    1. ※ If you enter 'iperf -c camera_IP address -p 50000 -i 1 -t 15', check the speed every 1 second and repeat 15 times.

    2. ※ The network speed between PreSD and the camera section is measured only by iperf (version 2)


PreSD/PostSD to VPD’s