Reference - Analysis

Reference - Analysis


1️⃣✅-BACK FOOT GROUNDED & KNEE INSIDE THE BACK FOOT: We want to use the ground correctly to create a more powerful swing, to do this the back foot needs to stay grounded at launch position. However, we should have the back knee inside the back foot. The lower half should be closer to 50/50 or 60/40 weight distribution. Do not have the back knee stacked over the back foot at launch position.

2️⃣✅-CONNECTED TURN: Staying connected as we turn keeps us efficient into the zone, allowing more time to make a swing decision. It also helps us create more bat speed by allowing us to turn the knob around @ contact.

3️⃣✅-SWING PLANE ON POINT: His shoulders & the bat are on the same plane & the tilt of that plane is influenced by his side bend.

4️⃣✅- LOWER PITCH=MORE SIDE BEND: Your side bend (spine angle front the back view) has to be more exaggerated (more side bend/ more horizontal) on a low & in pitch. Whereas my side bend (spine angle front the back view) will be less exaggerated (less side bend/ more vertical) on an up & in pitch. And we have got to be able to dial it in for everything in between.

5️⃣✅- POWER TRANSFER OFF THE BACKSIDE: Squish the bug!!?? You can see that his back toe has basically dragged forward. One thing I would contact to caution here...let how the back foot operates be a result of a violent hip turn, rather than trying to do one particular move with the back foot.

6️⃣✅-FIRM FRONT SIDE: When that front leg locks out it helps transfer energy into the hip turn. That turn will be more explosive if the front side locks out.

7️⃣✅-FINISH UPHILL: Our swing direction and extension will vary based on the pitch location, but in general most youth players cut their swing off. Finish high/stay through it.

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