(ENG) Logo Insert

Logo Insert

You can insert a logo into a video in real time by using a specific image file during recording (Connect).

There are two types of logo insertion: Replay logo insertion and Live Streaming logo insertion. For a detailed description of the logo settings, see 4DDM > Preference.

Replay logo insert

  1. Set the desired Logo Type in DM or PD > Preference > Logo

  2. Logo Path: Set the path to the logo image to be used in the replay video.

    1. 2D: Specify a single image file to be used as a 2D logo.

    2. 3D: Specify a folder with images to be used as a 3D logo, and the filename of the 3D logo must consist of three digits (001.png, 002.png, 003.png ....).

3D Logo image file folder example


  1. Click OK to set it up and create a replay file, and the video with the logo will be created.

Insert the Live Streaming logo

Step 1. [Setting the Logo File Path]

  • Verify and set the Logo File Path

  1. DM or PD > Preference > Logo > Live Logo Path

  2. Set Path: Save the Logo file to be used during live streaming to your MMS (.211) PC and specify the Live Logo path. (Default Path: \{MMSIP}\4DReplay\MMd\livelogo)



Step 2. [Check the Logo Setting feature and insert your logo]


  • Check 4DPD's Logo Setting feature and insert a logo during live streaming.

  1. Click [Set Logo] button on 4DPD Record Tab (Default path's logo file will be displayed in the list after auto-loading)


    1. Add: Adds a Logo File to the list before recording, which requires a sync as the file is not sent to VPd (you can also add a file from a non-default path).

    2. Delete: Delete a Logo File from the list

  3. Sync: Send Logo File from the list to VPd before streaming

  4. File Name: Select the logo to use from the logo list

  5. Show Logo Time Set: Set the time to show the logo (set to 0 to show continuously)

  6. Logo On/Off: Set whether the logo selected in the list is displayed during live.