(ENG) Logo Insert
Logo Insert
You can insert a logo into a video in real time by using a specific image file during recording (Connect).
There are two types of logo insertion: Replay logo insertion and Live Streaming logo insertion. For a detailed description of the logo settings, see 4DDM > Preference.
Replay logo insert
Set the desired Logo Type in DM or PD > Preference > Logo
Logo Path: Set the path to the logo image to be used in the replay video.
2D: Specify a single image file to be used as a 2D logo.
3D: Specify a folder with images to be used as a 3D logo, and the filename of the 3D logo must consist of three digits (001.png, 002.png, 003.png ....).
Click OK to set it up and create a replay file, and the video with the logo will be created.
Insert the Live Streaming logo
Step 1. [Setting the Logo File Path]
Verify and set the Logo File Path
DM or PD > Preference > Logo > Live Logo Path
Set Path: Save the Logo file to be used during live streaming to your MMS (.211) PC and specify the Live Logo path. (Default Path: \{MMSIP}\4DReplay\MMd\livelogo)
Step 2. [Check the Logo Setting feature and insert your logo]
Check 4DPD's Logo Setting feature and insert a logo during live streaming.
Click [Set Logo] button on 4DPD Record Tab (Default path's logo file will be displayed in the list after auto-loading)
Add: Adds a Logo File to the list before recording, which requires a sync as the file is not sent to VPd (you can also add a file from a non-default path).
Delete: Delete a Logo File from the list
Sync: Send Logo File from the list to VPd before streaming
File Name: Select the logo to use from the logo list
Show Logo Time Set: Set the time to show the logo (set to 0 to show continuously)
Logo On/Off: Set whether the logo selected in the list is displayed during live.