(ENG) UI Function
UI Function
The Record Tab is a tab where you can view and edit multiple camera videos recorded at the same time. It plays an important role in creating 4DReplay videos and 4DLive services, such as selecting a template for the video to be created, creating marker points, and making operations.
Record Main Control
Record-related control section
Sub Menu
List of key feature actions for Marker, View Frame, Streaming Status, etc.
Each feature is available at the click of a button
Record Information
When recording, show details about the video recording
Frame Viewer Information
When creating a marker in the Marker View, show details about the marker's timing
Effect Information
When using an effect, the associated settings function button
Effect View
Displays information about the number of Effect, SelTime, and TargetPos points in the selected Template.
Marker View
Displays Total Shooting Time
Create & Select Markers and Show Details
Marker List
Displays Total Shooting Time
Create & Select Markers and Show Details
Template Common List
The Common List of the selected Template is displayed on the right side of the Frame Viewer
Easily modify preset values in the Template Common Editor
Template List
The area where you can select a template created with the Template Editor to make a video.
Replay, Replay & i.VOD, Event System's Making selection area (i.VOD/Multi Channel is changed to Camera set setting area)
Gimbal Preset
Move the Gimbal to a preset Gimbal Preset location
Record Main Control, Sub menu
This is a list of the main functions related to Record, such as start recording, check streaming status, re-calibration, etc.
Record Main Control and Sub menu Job
Connect: Start shooting button (Disconnect, stop shooting)
Save to Storage (PreSd): When checked ON, save original data to PreSd during Camera Connect When unchecked OFF, no original data is saved to PreSD
※ When using streaming, check OFF if you don't need to save the original data.Scaling: Button to adjust the length of the shot where the marker is taken (the time of the entire line).
Marker: Click to mark a marker at the marker point at that time
Stopwatch: Measures time from the time of click, resets to 0 seconds if clicked again button (click again to restart)
Streaming Status: button to monitor and control live streaming in real time
View Frame: button to open the Frame Viewer in a new window for monitoring on the big screen
Recalibration: Click to re-calibrate during the recording.
Set Logo: Click to set the logo image displayed during live streaming.
Sync/Apply: Settings for synchronizing the original video displayed in the Frame Viewer with the system local time.
Cog: button to set the setting value when shooting Delay
Record Information
This is where you can get and display detailed property information about the recorded video. This is the part that you refer to when you complete the settings for Video and check if the settings have been applied correctly.
Record Information View
Record Time: Total time taken
Stopwatch: When you click the Stopwatch button, the stopwatch time starts.
Local Time: Location of the recording, local time (Window setting time)
Strat Time: Start time based on all frames including disconnected time, fixed to '0' or the End Time value of the previous connect value when connected.
End Time: End time based on all frames including disconnected time, incremented by '1' when connected.
Event ID: Event ID value to be registered in IMS when live streaming.
Frame Viewer Information
This is where you get and display detailed property information about the Marker features used in the record. You can right-click on a marker in the Marker Viewer to see the detailed properties of that marker.
Frame Viewer Information View
Record Time: The time from the start of recording to the time the marker is displayed.
Frame: The number of frames to display the marker according to the 30/60 frame setting (the number of frames in one second).
Current Record Time: Record Time plus the number of frames in seconds.
Stopwatch (hotkey [W]): Time from the start of the stopwatch to the time the marker is displayed.
Local Time: Local time at the time of marker display.
Template Effect Information
It expresses the number of Effects, Time, and Position of the selected Template. See below for details on how to use it.
Time: (ENG) Producing Multi-time Video (SelTime)
Position: (ENG) Producing Multi-Position Tracking Video (TargetPos)
Point Count: Number of Effect Point settings
Time Count: The number of Selected Markers (SelTime) specified by the Template when selecting and using the time points of multiple markers in the Template.
Position Count: The number of Target Positions (TargetPos) in the template that use the Zoom value to specify the target center point.
Timeline Marker View
This is where you can place markers that will be used in the record, and where the total recording time is displayed. Make sure you know exactly what shortcuts and mouse clicks are used in this part to make your video.
Marker View
Click on the Time bar with the left mouse: Select a point in time, marked red
Marker Short Cut Key
[Z]: Create Marker, colored green
[X]: Select Marker, colored blue
[C]: Move previous marker
[V]: Move to next marker
[*] (right numpad): Select camera number
[Ctrl + (Number)]: Display Select number (SelTime) on the created Marker
Click on a Marker and press [Ctrl + D]: Delete selected Marker
Marker List
When you use the Marker feature during recording, it lists the markers and provides useful functions for selecting and deleting markers. Learn about the contents of the Marker List and its shortcuts so that you can use it correctly.
Marker List View
No.: Marker creation sequence number
Record Time, Local Time, Frame: Same as Frame Viewer Information properties above.
Marker Type: Time Marker/Calibration Shows the marker being modified
Status: New - newly created marker/Check - selected marker
Selected Time Name: Name displayed when you click the marker creation point and specify the selection number (SelTime) using Ctrl+(Number).
Marker List Jobs
Favorite: When clicked, shows the favorite
Keystroke [Ctrl + D]: Delete Marker
Template Common List
This section shows the common list of the template to be used in the record at once. You need to set up the Common Editor feature beforehand, and you can check that it is applied well in this part, and you can easily modify the template using the common values.
Template Common List Jobs
Revert: The data being changed in the Common List is restored to the value in the existing template.
Save: The template file is modified and saved with the data entered in the Common List.
When you enter a value in the Common List > select [Save] > [Make], the currently displayed value is applied to create a video.