(ENG) Keyboard Shortcut of Record Tab
This section describes the keyboard shortcuts used in the 4DPD program, mainly during the Record process. Use the keyboard shortcuts shown in the figure below.
Marker Keyboard Shortcuts
[Z]: Creates a marker in real time during recording or at a point selected in the seek bar.
[Ctrl] + [Z]: Select a marker while creating an up-to-the-minute marker
[Ctrl] + [D]: Delete the specified marker
[X]: Select the most recent (last taken) marker
[C]: Select the previous marker based on the currently selected marker (if no marker is selected, select the closest marker based on the selected time)
[V]: Select the next marker based on the currently selected marker (if no marker is selected, select the closest marker based on the selected time)
[Ctrl] + a number [1]-[0]: After selecting a marker, type [Ctrl]+number to specify Seltime (Select Time) number 1 through 10 with the selected number
[W]: Stopwatch on/off
Adjusting the camera and making videos
[◀]or[▶] Move in 1 frame increments
[Ctrl]+ [◀]or[▶] Move in 15 frame increments
[Shift]+ [◀]or[▶]30 frame increments
[▼]or[▲] Select camera index increment/decrement by 1
[*]: Select camera index by entering directly
Numpad [1]-[9]: Select Template Number
[']: Executes the Make action when the appropriate marker and template are selected
Position Tracking
Q: Enter Position Tracking Selection Mode
Numbers [1]-[0]: Press the number keys and specify TargetPos (Target Position) from 1 to 10
[~]: Delete all specified TargetPos (Target Position)