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Select the VOD Type: Replay, Replay & i.VOD, Local PreSd i.VOD, Replay & Post PostSd I.VOD, Event System, Multi-Channel, Replay & Multi-Channel to create a video that fits the characteristics of each.



Replay is a Type for creating a basic time-slice 4DReplay. Select the Template you created in the Template Editor, select the appropriate Marker for the Template, and click the [Make Video] button to create a 4DReplay video. For detailed instructions on how to create a 4DReplay, see the Operation Guide.


  • Make Video: Start making after all settings are complete

Replay & i.VOD


Cloud i.VOD


  • i.VOD: This type creates an i.VOD (interactive VOD) that allows users to view the VOD at the desired point in time by setting the Camera Group and Range.


  • Title: You can specify the name of the i.VOD when it is created and registered in the CMS.

  • Edit Camera Group: Displays the camera group information set in IMS. Select the group you want to create i.VOD.


  • Edit Range: Set the Start Point and End Point based on the main marker (blue marker) to adjust the length of the created i.VOD movie. Detailed Cloud i.VOD Making Method. See here


Replay & Cloud i.VOD

Replay & Cloud i.VOD is a type that creates Replay and i.VOD at the same time. The production method is the same as Replay and Cloud i.VOD.



PreSd i.VOD

Local PreSd i.VOD is a type of method that does not create i.VOD in the cloud, but uses MMd to create i.VOD files from the original video(PreSd) in the local environment. Detailed Local PreSd i.VOD Making Method. See here (ENG) Producing Local i.VOD




  • Add Preset: Create a Camera Set that will be used for multichannel video. (The created Camera set Preset will be shared with Multi-Channel.)

  • Preset Name: Double-click the preset name to change it to a name of your choice.

  • Camera- Edit: Click the Edit button to add (Add→) the currently available cameras as Selected Cams to utilize for Local i.VOD making.


  • Delete: Deletes the preset.Use Merge: This option creates a single merged file of each video from multiple channels that plays sequentially.

  • Make Video: When all preset settings are complete, click Make Video to create a video.


Replay &


PostSd i.VOD

Replay & Post IPostSd i.VOD is a type that creates a replay and a post PostSd i.VOD at the same time. The production method is the same as Replay and Post & Cloud i.VOD.


  • Post PostSd I.VOD: Unlike Local i.VOD, which is made with the original video, this method creates I.VOD with the video stored in PostSd by processing the video in VPd. It has the advantage that it is very fast to create because it is a task of muxing already processed videos. The production method is the same as Cloud i.VOD, and the appropriate Live environment (VPd, PostSd) must be configured to use Post I.VOD.PostSd I.VOD.

    • (※ i.vod Making File path: {"Alternative Save Location"}\{"Year"}\{"Date"}\{“ivod”})


  • To create a PostSd I.VOD, you need to check the Preference->Streaming->"Force save to PostSd". The "Save File Count Limit" option indicates the number of files to be saved, and if you input 0, it will be saved infinitely.

    • (※ Original File path: PostSd PC->D:\Movie)


Event System

Event System Type is the Making Type for proceeding with 4DPromo. The making method is the same as Replay, and the Event System Setting must be made in advance. (For more information on how to produce, see here )



Multi-Channel is a feature that creates individual video files from multiple cameras. Multi-Channel video does not require separate calibration work, so it is possible to produce video without MMd (MMS, MMC). The video created with Multi-Channel is mainly uploaded to the 4DInstruction server and used for instruction purposes.
(For more information on how to produce, see here (ENG) [4Dinstruction] Producing Multi - Channel Video )
