This section describes the keyboard shortcuts used in the 4DPD program, mainly during the Record process. Use the keyboard shortcuts shown in the figure below.
Marker Keyboard Shortcuts
[Z]: Creates a marker in real time during recording or at a point selected in the seek bar.
[Ctrl] + [Z]: Select a marker while creating an up-to-the-minute marker
[Ctrl] + [D]: Delete the specified marker
[X]: Select the most recent (last taken) marker
[C]: Select the previous marker based on the currently selected marker (if no marker is selected, select the closest marker based on the selected time)
[V]: Select the next marker based on the currently selected marker (if no marker is selected, select the closest marker based on the selected time)
[Ctrl] + a number [1]-[0]: After selecting a marker, type [Ctrl]+number to specify Seltime (Select Time) number 1 through 10 with the selected number
[W]: Stopwatch on/off
Adjusting the camera and making videos
[◀]or[▶] Move in 1 frame increments
[Ctrl]+ [◀]or[▶] Move in 15 frame increments
[Shift]+ [◀]or[▶]30 frame increments
[▼]or[▲] Select camera index increment/decrement by 1
[*]: Select camera index by entering directly
Numpad [1]-[9]: Select Template Number
[Enter']: Executes the Make action when the appropriate marker and template are selected