Local i.VOD is a type of method that does not create i.VOD in the cloud, but uses MMd to create i.VOD files from the original video in the local environment. Detailed Local i.VOD Making Method. See here (ENG) Producing Local i.VOD
Add Preset: Create a Camera Set that will be used for multichannel video. (The created Camera set Preset will be shared with Multi-Channel.)
Preset Name: Double-click the preset name to change it to a name of your choice.
Camera- Edit: Click the Edit button to add (Add→) the currently available cameras as Selected Cams to utilize for Local i.VOD making.
To create a Post I.VOD, you need to check the PreferecePreference->Streaming->"Force save to PostSd". The "Save File Count Limit" option indicates the number of files to be saved, and if you input 0, it will be saved infinitely. (※ File path PostSd PC->D:\Movie)