Set your tablet's network IP to static to match your systemzsystem
Wired connection with the tablet directly to the switch that is connected to the PostSd
Install the 4DReferee Application on onto the tablet
Enter Server (4DSS) IP when first entering 4DReferee Application
subChannelList 주요 설정 내용
countCount: Total number of cameras to use for RTSP streaming
groupcountGroup Count: Number of groups for 2-channel mode + Score board View setup
The number in square brackets "[]" indicates the channel's information (liveindex).
CameraipCamera IP: Camera ip IP for the channel
ServeripServer IP: Enter the Server(4DSS) ipIP.
gruopidGroup IP: Group ID IP that this channel belongs to
nameName: Specify the properties of the group (in 4DReferee, only MAINVIEW and MULTIVIEW are specified).
decriptionDecryption: Enter a description of the group.
videoVideo_outputOutput: Enter video output information to determine the codec, gopGoP, fps, resolution (4K or FHD), and bitrate of the final streaming video.